Update On Migration Planning Levels 2022-23

29 September, 2023

We knew in September that the planning levels were going to increase to 195,000 places. On 25 October, with the release of the Federal Budget, the government provided us with a breakdown of the migration planning levels, which sees an increase in General Skilled and Employer Sponsored, but a reduction in the Global Talent and Business Innovation and Investment, visa programmes. Below is a detailed table, compiled by Ashton Legal, to show (a) the difference in 2021-22 and 2022-23 planning levels; (b) planning level as of October 2022; (c) percentage of increase between Jun and Oct 2022 levels; and (d) percentage of increase between FY2022 and FY2023 levels.

The drastic increase in the General Skilled Migration programme (Skilled Independent Subclass 189, Regional Sponsored Subclass 491, and Skilled Nominated Subclass 190), as well as Employer Sponsored visas (like the TSS Subclass 482, SESR Subclass 494, and ENS Subclass 186), seems to reflect the current government’s effort to ease critical workforce shortages across all industries and improve the productive capacity of Australian business during the economic recovery.

Although we can see a reduction in the popular Global Talent visa programme, along side business investment visas, there’s no indication that these programmes will cease, altogether, in the future. In order for Australia to remain competitive on the international stage, and to maximise economic growth by shaping an enabling environment for the digital uptake across key sectors, the government will need to continue to attract highly skilled and talented individuals, as well as entrepreneurs and investors to facilitate this growth and competitiveness.

If you need assistance in finding out what the best pathway is for you, in light of the recent changes, please contact us for more information.

Visa Stream Visa Category 2021-22 2022-23 Oct-22 Δ Jun v Oct 22 Δ FY 22 v 23
Skill Employer Sponsored 22,000 30,000 35,000 17% 59%
Skill Skilled Independent 6,500 16,652 32,100 93% 394%
Skill Regional 11,200 25,000 34,000 36% 204%
Skill State/Territory Nominated 11,200 20,000 31,000 55% 177%
Skill Business Innovation & Investment 13,500 9,500 5,000 -47% -63%
Skill Global Talent (Independent) 15,000 8,448 5,000 -41% -67%
Skill Distinguished Talent 200 300 300 0% 50%
Family Partner 72,300 40,500 40,500 0% -44%
Family Parent 4,500 6,000 8,500 42% 89%
Family Child 3,000 3,000 3,000 0% 0%
Family Other Family 500 500 500 0% 0%
Special Eligibility Special Eligibility 100 100 100 0% 0%
Total 160,000 160,000 195,000 22% 22%

Partner visa and child visa are demand driven, the numbers are estimates, visa grants are not subject to ceilings

October 22 is the post October Budget adjustment